Monday, November 14, 2011

     Good literature is something not most people can find. There may be many books and authors but not all can write good literature. There is one book that can be considered as good literature,Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck.
     Of Mice and Men is a perfect example of not only good literature but also about things in life. Unlike other books this book shows problems and solutions, faults and failures. One outstanding character that shows the traits of a hero is George.
     There are many reasons why this book is a prime example of good literature, one of them is because they do not hide anything from the readers, they show mistakes so people can learn from them, the character that shows these traits is George. From a readers point of view, this character is always showing good leadership and expressing his feelings, he is an honest man who tries to correct his mistakes and if he ever does get in a problem he will solve it and not run away from it.
     George is a normal man who travels with Lennie, a mentally retarded man. They both have had good and bad times together but at the end they both love each in father and son like relationship.
George is always getting Lennie out of trouble. But Lennie only cares about little soft things. He doesn't remember anything anyone says, George said "might as well spen' my time telling you things you forget".
     The reason why I think George is a good example is because he doesn't hide any faults or failures, he expresses them so that other people can learn from his mistakes. There were many problems he has been in thanks to Lennie like the time when they got "driven out of Weeds" just because Lennie had to "touch anything he likes". To me Lennie is a "little kid" and George is like his father he is always protecting him and getting him out of problems.
     There are many more great examples of good literature throughout this book that will show the reader what a good example of "good literature" is like. It may not be a perfect ending, but not every story has to end in a happy way.