Monday, February 25, 2013

Good vs Evil

Our country has been attacked in many ways, most of them are thru violence. Now here is a new threat that has even more potential than any other method used to attack another country. This method is referred as "hacking." It may not appear to be a huge threat but it could severely hurt our country. Yahoo News has stated that "the growth in the number of hackers, the software tools available to them, and the thriving economic underground serving them have made any computer network connected to the Internet impossible to defend flawlessly." The internet is not a place that you can hide something and someone never finding out about it. Nowadays everything can be hacked and with the increasing number of knowledgeable hackers, it will only become harder and harder to protect private information from them. Dell Inc's chief security officer, John McClurg stated that "They outspend us and they out man us in almost every way," The leaders in the technological world are being hit and targeted by hackers from all directions, the work load is increasing and the number of hackers is only rising. We may indeed already be in a war with hackers across the earth. "The attacks are not only from China, which Washington has long accused of spying on U.S. companies, many emanate from Russia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Western countries." Hackers have only one goal, that goal is to mess with people just because of differences. I don't think it's right that we can't even trust the internet without the risk of being hacked and them stealing important information such as credit card numbers or Social Security Numbers. 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Bravery Around The World

     In an article by Dylan Stableford from Yahoo! News called, Malala Yousafzai Speaks Publicly, the world is informed of a brave, young girl from Pakistan who was shot by the Taliban and survived.
Malala Yousafzai is a fifteen year old Pakistani girl who advocated girl's education rights. In the fall of 2012, while Malala was walking home from school, the Taliban issued a shooting and attacked the young girl, shooting her in the face. According to Associated Press, "the Taliban... targeted her because she promoted 'Western thinking.'" The Taliban, an extremist Islamic political group responsible for numerous terrorist attacks, do not believe in "Western thinking," nor giving women much rights at all. The attack on Malala Yousafzai sparked controversy around the world.

On Saturday, February 2, 2012, Yousafzai successfully underwent surgery in order to reconstruct her skull. Only a couple of days afterwards, she released a video speaking to the public and stated, "I want every girl, every child, to be educated." Malala also announced her success with the surgery and her determination to continue to advocate girls' education rights. In order to achieve her goals, she has launched the Malala Fund, an organization that will support education for young girls.

This article grabbed my attention immediately, not only was an innocent human being shot by vicious men, but it was a fifteen year old girl. I cannot in any way relate to her situation, considering we live in two completely different countries with completely different cultural backgrounds and beliefs, but I feel strong sympathy towards her, due to our similar ages. It makes me realize that no matter how old you are, you can make a difference in the world.