Saturday, November 9, 2013

Current Connection 2.1

Every decision and action we make can affect a person emotionally, physically, or mentally. There are many times when we speak without thinking and hurt someones feelings. Too many people have taken bullying lightly and think its alright to call a person a name, or hurt them. The negative acts taken towards someone else could be considered bullying and could change someones life. Rachel's Challenge is a program that wants to create peace, make our learning environments safer for everyone, and impact our society in a positive way.

"Each day 160,000 students do not go to school because they are bullied, teased and harassed." This statement shocked me! How could someone be so selfish and ignorant that they bully someone so much, to the point where they don't want to go to school. 160,000 is a big number, especially for students that don't attend school. One of those students who are being picked on and bullied could be our next Steve Jobs or our next president, yet they fear a place where they are supposed to be learning at, not bullied. We must think before we speak, and realize that our words can really tear someone down instead of building them up.

Shortly before her death, Rachel wrote, "I have this theory that if one person can go out of their way to show compassion, then it will start a chain reaction of the same. People will never know how far a little kindness can go."An act of kindness is anything simple, it can be picking someones pencil up, or opening the door for them. Every act can make someone feel a little better after a long day. We don't know what a person is going through or what their home and social life is like, so an act of kindness can show someone that not everyone is the same and that someone cares. When you show someone kindness, and they show someone else, it will indeed start a chain reaction and can dramatically affect the school environment. It would most likely decrease bullying and increase happiness within the students.

"In one survey, 78% of students indicated they would definitely intervene in a bullying incident in their school after seeing Rachel's Challenge." The program has truly impacted schools, and is still going. Rachel one wrote down that she would "touch millions of peoples hearts" and she is doing just that. More than 19 million people have been touched by Rachel's message and continue to spread the word. The more people know, the less bullying there will be, and the more peace and safety will be in the world.

As a student, I see bullying, I have been bullied, and I have bullied others. I regret my actions and words and wish I could take them all back, but once done or said, you can never take it back. After learning about Rachel's challenge, I decided that I would never bully anyone again and that I would do my best to prevent such acts. Showing kindness and respect will be my new goal, and hopefully people will see that anyone can change.

Rachel's Challenge has impacted many people around the United States and even some out of the country. The program is a very well needed program that can change someone or something in the matter of minutes. People make mistakes and hurt others, but they can also change and help the ones who they once hurt. Our decisions today can affect our tomorrow.