Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Animal Cruelty

     Humans and animals may not be the same, but they are still something we should love and take care of. Animal cruelty is something I strongly stand against. Most cases are the same and we have all known or met someone who has abused an animal or has seen someone do such act. There can be situations where the animal was not feed properly, was not taken care of properly, and was beaten out of anger or for "disciplinary methods."
    I happened to own a dog and I love him. My neighbor doesn't take good care of his dogs so I help them. That day I came across this article, reported by CNN, I read about how 20 year old Kevin Dean Parrish "put his grandmother's dog into a heated oven after it nipped at him." He told the police that he had a past of having "anger issues" and he was actually planning on leaving the 9 pound Chihuahua-Pincher in the oven, until his brother walked into the room. The dog is recovering fine from the burns it got from the oven, this is still a very cruel thing to do to an animal and I also find it very strange as well. I find all of this so similar to an experience I had we I was younger.
    When I was about 10 I had a friend who had a Labrador breed dog. I loved that dog, and it surprised us all with little puppies. I asked him if I could have one and he said yes. Our family took in the dog and we named it Max. I played with this dog all the time, he was like my best friend and I took care of my little buddy as if he was my little brother. which at the time, I was a single child. Time went by and we moved, Max stayed with us and everything was fine. I went back to visit my friend and noticed that his dog had burns on its legs. At first I really didn't think much of it. I later realized this dog has been thru so much. I asked my friend what happened to it and he said the dog ran away and some random family took him in, when the dog came back, those burns were on it. After this experience, animal cruelty just bothers me. I just think it's odd that both of these situations are alike and I happened to come across this report. Animal cruelty should not me something to be looked upon, not one bit. We all need to love everything and everyone no matter what.

Couldn't find original article but here is the same one but reported by Opposing Views:

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