Monday, October 8, 2012

Drink drink drink

Hey guys! Lets drink liquid nitrogen! No. Don’t do that. Unless you’re an 18 year old woman from England. But serioulsy, this woman was having a night out drinking and partying like she was party of Jersey Shore on her 18th birthday and decideds to drink LIQUID NITROGEN. Just in case some of you don’t know, liquid nitrogen is mostly use as a coolant. So pretty much, she froze her stomach. She said she started "becoming breathless and developing severe stomach pain." She was then rushed to a hospital where they did some tests on her and found out her stomach was perforated.

I don’t see why anyone would even think of drinking liquid nitrogen, I know it was her birthday and she was having fun drinking and all but you have to know what you’re taking in before you drink it. I had a cousin who went to England last summer for his birthday and he drank a lot. This reminded me of him becauase later that night he got taken to the hospital for alcohol poisoning. I still don’t see the point or the intention this girl had on drinking liquid nitrogen. I guess you’ll be “cool” if you drink liquid nitrogen. No pun intended. If you’re going to drink, at least drink something that won’t almost kill you. What she did was really stupid and she deserves it because if she knew what it did and still did it, you must be an idiot. No offence. I guess my point is that if you’re going to drink, don’t drink subsrttances that can harm your body to the point where they remove one of the most important organs in your body, your stomach. You’re stomach is so important to your body and you’re just pretty much asking for death if you drink what this girl did. There is nothing good about drinking it. The name even sounds sketchy.

I feel sorry for this girl but also I feel kind of glad she got what she deserved. So one thing I would like to tell her is, next time you drink, drink something that you get from a bar not a science lab.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Twitter Drama, ecall 911.

Twitter has been a social networking site that has made many people happy, including myself.  Sometimes though, things can get a little TOO far.

Kara Alongi, a 16 year old girl from New Jersey, tweeted something that gave a lot of people a scare. “There is someone in my hour ecall 911,” Alongi posted on Twitter at 10:12 pm Sunday. She was faking a kidnapping incident so people wouldn't know she was really running away. She was found in Carneys Point around 4:30pm on Tuesday. I think Kara was wrong for doing that. First of all, she can’t even spell “house” and she added a letter e to the word “call”. All I have to say is that if you are being kidnapped, you don’t tweet about it! You call 911 immediately. She scared a lot of people by tweeting such thing. I was worried for her. I didn’t know there could be someone in your “hour”, I hope no one is in MY “hour”.

Another thing that bothers me is that she is in America. We have it good compared to other countries. Why would you run away? Oh, daddy didn’t get you the iPhone 5? RUN AWAY. No. A kid in Africa didn’t get food that day and he still stayed home. She had no reason to cause this much drama. People felt sorry for her, I didn’t. If you looked at her past tweets, you would know why.  All I have to say to Kara is, NICE TRY.

It was wrong of Kara to tweet such thing and to cause this much drama. If you have problems, talk to somebody about it. Don’t get half of the U.S involved in it.