Saturday, September 21, 2013

Current Connection 1.1

     In the article "Pakistani schoolgirl Malala who survived assassination attempt honored for education activism" by the Associated Press, the authors talk a young girl by the name of Malala is rewarded the Children's Peace Prize for her act of courage and her bravery. Malala is a young girl who was nearly killed for standing up for what she believed in and for standing up for her education and the education of many other young girls in the Middle East.

"Malala was 15 years old when she and two of her friends were attacked on their way home from school in Pakistan's northwest Swat Valley." stated the author. Young girls, or women in general, are not allowed to be educated through school in the Middle East. There are young girls who still go to school and put their lives on the edge everyday just to be able to learn from a school. Men around those parts of the world believe that women should not be able to go to school but instead should stay home and take care of the house work and of their families.

The author states,"The 16-year-old said she accepted the prize Friday in the historic Knights' Hall in The Hague "on behalf of all the children all over the world who are trying to go to school." There are many people who do not want to go to school or do not even try when they are there yet there are people who wish they could get an education and even risk their lives trying to obtain one. Everyone who complains and says they hate school needs to walk in the shoes of person who can not get an education and wishes they could.

The author of the article also says, "She survived and now attends school in England after being flown there for treatment." Malala can now happily learn and has impacted the world with her action of bravery and courage. It's unbelievable that a person has to go through all that pain just for education. Everyone deserves the right to education no matter the race or sex of the person. Malala is a strong girl and a very brave one also, Malala and her friends survived the attack and have left a mark on history for the cause of education for women in the Middle East.

Malala was an extremely courageous young girl who stood up for education and what she believed was right, she deserved that award and she also deserves much more, especially the respect and love from people all around the world. I, a student in the United States, am very unappreciative sometimes. After reading this artcile, I relaized how much of an honor going to school and obtainig an education really is.
Would you stand up for your freedom of education or would you just sit there and live your life full of ignorance? Only you can decide, Malala decided what she thought was right and stood up for her decisions. If Malala, the young girl who stood up for education, could go through all this pain, then why do we complain about going to school if we have the freedom of going?

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